Theoretische component: Steden als Complexe systemen
Basic functioning of the sim/game
Scoring system - calculations
I've been working on an excell file to do calculations. I have absolutely no experience with excell so some things could probably have been done a lot more simple. So if you see something in there that could be better, please tell
The excell file should make the calculations of the game while playing. This means that I would constantly need to ad all change into the excell file, but this way the players can just play without counting all the time. It also makes alot more complicated things possible that wouldn't be possible otherwise.
In the file I made the first page wich basically says the fucntion of each tile. In each tile there is a combination of letters. The first one gives the function, next the height, next the owner, etc. This way I can just add all the info on one tile in this playing field. In the next tab there is a simple viual representation wich woul possibly make things easier to oversee. Then the other tabs do calculations based on the current situation.
They say how much a player earns each round. They dont keep track of what a player owns, or what he buys, builts, etc. This all happens in RL with the real money. The excell file just says how much a player will earn in rent, pay taxes, etc.
If you're interested take a look here. I've also added some comments in the excell itself about specific questions I had. Maybe some of you are more experienced with excell and can help me out there
XLS: http://colsonalexander.googlepages.com/GAMEEXCELL.xls
ODS: http://colsonalexander.googlepages.com/GAMEEXCELL.ods
Please ignore the layout trouble. It will be fixed soon.
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Physical boardgame - limitations?
The matrix system can be transformed into a more simple system quiete easily:
Which would lead to a scoreboard similar to this. Which gives you the total tax for each builing height (per building, not all buildings together). And the increase in case you are just adding new floors, for simpler calculations:But a first problem is the incentive side of it. Normaly players surrounding a high building recieve most compensation. But with system like above, which is not space-specific this isn't possible.
Here an exaple of how it would work with the matrix system:
Another proble is, how do you actually make it interesting for a player not to build on that piece of land. Because giving it a high incentive might compensate the fact that it is closed in, but wont stop the player from building a skyscraper on it for example.